Saturday, September 18, 2010


The article I have chosen to write and inform everyone about is one from the Wall Street Journal and it is focused on a bill that can benefit illegal immigrants by giving them the opportunity of citizenship.

The Relief and Education for Alien Minors bill also known as the Dream act is stirring up much controversy on immigration views. It seems to me that much of what I hear now is about immigration, especially now with the whole Arizona SB1070 Immigration law. I believe that it is becoming a big issue and that people should be well informed on the topic. The Dream Acts purpose is to give Illegal immigrants an opportunity to become U.S. Citizens, of course there are some requirements though for example for an illegal immigrant to be eligible for a six year legal residency grant he has to have lived in the U.S. for five years without living anywhere else, and he must've have arrived to the U.S. before the age of 15 and to actually obtain citizenship they must either do one of the two following options go to college or serve in the military.” When you take a policy that says you are going to reward people who have entered our country illegally with a guaranteed pathway to citizenship, and with billions of dollars in financial aid or benefits they would not otherwise be entitled to, what message are we sending?" those are the words from Sen. Jeff Sessions a republican from Alabama. I completely disagree with he had to say. Many illegal immigrants don't have the choice to settle in the United States it’s usually a choice taken by the parents. I in fact have friends who have had this happen to them, many of them entered the United States illegally at a very early age and have never been back to there home country. Many of them never go back and have to live in a country that doesn’t even recognize them as a citizen even though they have spent more then the majority of there lives there and have no idea what there home country is even like. Many of them don’t even go to college because of a simple social security number. I want to emphasize on something that the senator also said “What message are we sending.” I think he should actually be proud of what is being done because the message that is getting sent out is that this is America the land of opportunity!